Pet Sitter Emergency Information Pet Sitter Emergency Information Form "*" indicates required fields This form may be used to provide information to the Prairie View Animal Hospital (PVAH) care team if you are unable to accompany your pet to the hospital. Please complete the form to give to the person(s) caring for your pet while you are away. When this form is presented to PVAH we will use it to care for your pet(s) per your request. Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Owner(s) Name* Owner(s) Phone Number:*Owner(s) Address:* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Pet Sitter’s Name* Consent* I hereby give my express permission to take my pet(s) to Prairie View Animal Hospital, located at 1830 SE Princeton Drive, Suite A, Grimes, IA 50111. I give permission for the veterinarian to administer any care and/or medications necessary. I understand that payment is due upon services rendered a Payment* I can be contacted at the above phone number to collect payment I have left an appropriate payment method with the above mentioned pet sitter Please list any special and/or specific requests for care below, including if you would like life saving measures taken should they be needed while in our care:This release is valid for the following dates:From* MM slash DD slash YYYY To* MM slash DD slash YYYY Owner signature:*