Good oral health is an important part of good general health for your pet.

Signs of oral and dental diseases in dogs and cats:

  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth or teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar
  • Your pet seems painful when you touch the mouth
  • Drooling or dropping food from the mouth
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Loss of appetite

If you think your pet needs dental care, please call us at 515-986-2841 to schedule an appointment to have the doctor examine your pet’s mouth. During the exam the doctor will make individualized recommendations which may include a professional dental cleaning.

A professional dental cleaning is an outpatient procedure. The procedure starts with a pre-anesthetic exam and placement of an IV catheter. Next, your pet is placed under general anesthesia, after which the doctor is able to fully examine your pet’s mouth for signs of disease. Your pet’s teeth are then scaled with a special instrument to remove plaque and tartar. If any extractions are necessary, the doctor will use a local anesthetic to help control post-operative pain. Finally, the teeth are polished and your pet is monitored while recovering from anesthesia.

Prevention of the accumulation of plaque and tartar is key to maintaining good dental health for your pet. Proper brushing of your pet’s teeth on a daily basis may help maintain good dental health. Many, but not all, treats and chews have been shown to prevent plaque and tartar accumulation on the teeth. The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) awards its Seal of Acceptance to products that successfully meet pre-set criteria for effectiveness in controlling plaque and tartar deposition in dogs and cats.

We also provide dental products, such as toothpastes, chews, and rinses, to help you maintain good oral health for your pet at home.